Important road sign “Caution, children! Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car Children's sign on the bus dimensions according to GOST.

Whether it’s the holidays or the beginning of the school year, the city streets are always full of children, and, as a rule, they are very careless in their games and forget about the simplest safety rules. Therefore, drivers must always be careful and adhere to traffic rules, especially on sections of the road where special “Beware of children!” road signs are installed.

Sign "Caution, children!" in the picture was designed in accordance with the Vienna Convention, which determines the appearance of road signs adopted throughout the world, and refers to warning signs. In accordance with GOSTs and regulatory documents, this sign must be installed on sections of roads that are located near schools, kindergartens, and other similar institutions.

In addition, the sign is installed near places where children often appear, and it does not matter whether these places have organized pedestrian crossings or not. Also, along with the sign “Caution, children!”, the Traffic Regulations require the installation of a special sign 8.2.1, which determines the length of the safety section. If the educational institution or the place where minors cross the highway is located outside the populated area, then sign 1.23 should be installed 50 meters before the pedestrian crossing.

It is worth considering that this sign does not carry any restrictions, therefore, in the event of an accident involving a child, in the action zone 1.23, the blame falls on the minor pedestrian who violated the traffic rules (unless, of course, the incident occurred due to the fault of the driver who violated the traffic rules). However, it is quite clear that if there is an installed indicator 1.23, you should be extremely careful and cautious.

"Caution Children" sign on a vehicle

In addition to the road sign, there is a special “Caution, Children” sticker, which is attached to vehicles intended for the organized transportation of groups of two or more people. Therefore, if you are a large family or, for example, are planning to drive a car to the sea with friends, then this will be such a group. Paragraph 22.6 of the traffic rules states that when transporting groups of children, the vehicle must be equipped with a special sign. Also, such groups must be accompanied by at least one adult. All minor passengers must travel seated only during transportation.

Attention ! By placing a “Beware of Children!” sticker on your vehicle. and when transporting minor passengers, never forget that according to traffic rules in this case the speed should not exceed 60 km/h.

Rules for transporting children's groups

When boarding passengers on a bus, which is equipped with a special sign “Caution, children!”, the driver of this vehicle must adhere to the requirements of the traffic rules, namely, drive with the “emergency” lights on. Violation of these requirements may result in a fine for the driver. Other drivers, when a group enters or exits the bus, according to 14.7 of the traffic rules, are required to reduce speed and let passengers pass.

Special guidelines have been developed for the safe transportation of groups by road. This document contains all safety requirements for transporting people. It will be useful to both legal entities and individuals participating in the transportation of children's groups.

The driver of a vehicle transporting children is prohibited from:

  • drive at a speed of more than 60 km/h;
  • change the pre-agreed route;
  • transport luggage or cargo in the cabin with minor passengers, except for personal belongings and hand luggage;
  • leave the bus if there are children on board, as well as when boarding and disembarking a group;
  • when a bus is moving in a convoy, overtaking is strictly prohibited;
  • drive in reverse.

This short cartoon will be useful for both children and adults:

All road users, both pedestrians and drivers with passengers, especially when transporting children in a car, are all exposed to various kinds of dangers along the way. Accidents and incidents occur even for no apparent reason. They are always unexpected, meaningless, offensive, and most importantly, they can lead to big problems. In order to protect everyone in the car and reduce the risk of serious consequences, you should strictly follow the traffic rules.

The driver's task is to ensure that adult passengers use seat belts. If there are children in the car, arrange them in the safest way possible. When traveling in a car with children, you must follow the rules for transporting children in a car.

Rules for transporting children in a car according to traffic rules

The most important rule regarding the transportation of children in a car: children under 12 years of age and younger must be transported in a car secured in a seat using a special restraint device.

  • Children under 7 years of age may be transported in a car only in car seats and using boosters (seat belt adapters and strap guides are prohibited);
  • from 7 years of age, a child, when driving in a car in the front seat, must be in a child car seat, wearing a booster or using another restraint device;
  • Children over 7 years old, when driving in the back seat of a car, are allowed to be transported without car seats, using standard seat belts.

These devices are usually called car seats and infant carriers, but sometimes they simply look like seats adapted to the child’s height with a pillow and an outer triangle located on the abdomen or chest. The retaining straps are attached to this rigid apron. These non-standard designs fall under the wording “other means... that allow you to safely fasten a child with seat belts... provided for by the design of the vehicle” (clause 22.9 of the traffic rules)

How to transport a newborn in a car according to the rules

Infants (up to six months old) ride in a car while in a cradle. There are latches inside it that securely hold the child. The cradle itself is attached to the seat belts in the rear seat. The position in this case is perpendicular to the direction of movement of the car.

From six months to a year, it is recommended to carry babies in a special chair, where they have the opportunity to both lie and sit. Such child restraints can even be placed in the front seat - if the mother is driving, the child will be calmer there. Moreover, the seat is installed so that the child can see either the front windshield or the rear window. The second option is preferable, because causes less anxiety for the baby - he sees his mother’s (or father’s) face. Parents don't have to turn their heads to look at him either.

Important! When placing a restraint device in front, it is necessary to disable the airbag mechanism - in an emergency, it can cause great harm to the baby and seriously injure him.

Rules for transporting young children in a car

Children older than a year and a half are transferred to a car seat, which will be used until about 4 years of age. Typically, parents secure it securely in the back seat of the car, although it can also be carried in the front. Different backrest configurations and child restraint systems in the car eliminate the risk of injury in the event of an accident. The FEST child restraint system is especially common.

The difference in size between a one-year-old child and a four- to five-year-old child is quite significant. Therefore, when choosing a chair with a baby, you should not buy a chair “for growth”. The chair must immediately be ergonomic, and the younger the child, the more important this is. If the safety bends, clamps and straps do not fall on physiologically intended areas, then the chair should be rejected and other designs should be inquired.

In some cases, an additional pillow, securely fixed inside the device, will help, which will slightly raise the child and shift the proportions. It is important that when transporting children in a car, it is possible to prevent the child from slipping out of the seat, as well as rough impact on risk areas (neck, solar plexus). The fixation in the chair should be strong and reliable, but not tight and painful.

Rules for transporting schoolchildren

It is at this age that the car seat is most often replaced with a booster - a high, rigid pillow with armrests. This device does not have its own restraint devices, but allows a child with certain parameters to “fit” into the framework of standard seat belts.

Manufacturers claim that it is possible to transport children in a booster seat from the age of 3, and some from 9 months, but reality indicates that this is premature. For small children, one belt, even the most durable and well-suited one, is not enough; it will not be able to securely and comfortably fix the position of the body.

Therefore, the best option is to transfer the student to a booster seat when the previous seat becomes too small. This fact is almost always perceived positively by the child, because clearly shows that he has grown up.

When choosing, you need to find a device in which the child will be comfortable right now, and not someday.

If it is not possible to purchase a booster, put an adapter on the seat belt. This is a fairly rigid device made of soft material that reverses the direction of the standard car seat belt. With its use, the strap does not pass through vital areas of the body and does not threaten to cause injury. In addition, the child’s fixation becomes more reliable, because The belt fits tighter.

An exception

The main criterion by which to judge the need to use child restraint devices is now not so much age as height. Car seat belts are designed for passengers over 150 cm tall. If a child under 12 years of age is taller than one and a half meters, then he no longer requires special child devices.

New rules for transporting children by bus - group transportation

The new rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by bus state that transportation of children in vehicles of organized groups of children of 8 or more people is possible only by bus. The use of micro- and minibuses as a means of transport is prohibited.

Important! This rule does not apply to private trips of large families - they most often have minivans and minibuses at their disposal. In this case, the rules for transporting children in a car apply. Also, according to the general rules, children from several families travel, accompanied by their parents, in a private vehicle.

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus and the rules for the transportation of schoolchildren on a bus state that the organization transporting children must have the appropriate license.

The bus is equipped with a “Children” sign on the windshield and rear window.

Before the trip, a complete list of children and accompanying persons from among representatives of the sending organization is compiled, a travel route is developed, indicating the places and times of stops. The documents are received by the traffic police and issued to the driver.

Each seat is equipped with a seat belt. Before driving, the driver must ensure that all passengers are wearing seat belts. It is not allowed to carry passengers without providing a separate seat.

The presence of strangers on the bus is prohibited.

Transportation is carried out mainly during daylight hours.


Failure to comply with the rules for transporting children in a car will result in a fine. Currently, its size is 3,000 rubles.

Thus, traveling with children, even over the shortest distance, must be arranged according to all the rules. The necessary safety equipment will help preserve health and life in the most difficult road situations.

Children get used to following the rules without any problems. Having become acquainted with the algorithm of actions before departure and the rules of behavior on the road during the very first trips in their lives, they cannot imagine that it could be different. This is a great way to instill rules once and for all: parents just need to always follow them.

Problems arise for some adult car enthusiasts: not everyone considers it necessary to change something in the car’s interior to comply with safety requirements, and not everyone is willing to spend money.

But in fairness, it must be said that most drivers treat the safety provisions and rules for transporting children in a car very responsibly. It is good practice to give not only a bathtub and a set of diapers, but also a good car seat or cradle for the birth of a child. This approach of young parents, as well as grandparents, who do not forget to install devices for their grandchildren in their cars, cannot but rejoice.

The number of motorists is growing every day. And children who grow up strictly following safety requirements will become excellent road users in the future.

After which a new traffic police fine appeared for drivers for the absence of the “Spikes” identification sign, we received a huge number of requests regarding the installation of the “Transportation of Children” identification sign on passenger cars.

The question stems from the requirements of paragraph 8 of the main provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation, following which the identification sign “Transportation of Children” must be installed on the vehicle.

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

“Transportation of children” - in the form of a yellow square with a red border (the width of the border is 1/10 of the side), with a black image of the symbol of the road sign 1.23 (the side of the square of the identification sign located in front of the vehicle must be at least 250 mm, at the rear - 400 mm);

Unlike the requirements for the installation of other identification signs, the “Transportation of Children” sign does not specify installation conditions, from which we can conclude that it must be installed on all vehicles, including those that do not transport children. There are no conditions that only a vehicle carrying children needs to be installed. It sounds ridiculous.

The beauty of legal acts is that if something is not specified in one, it is specified in the other. It is necessary to find requirements that oblige the installation of this sign. The first requirement for drivers is, of course, the Rules of the Road.

Logic dictates that the sign is directly related to , so we will look there.

General requirements are outlined in paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules.

22.9. Transportation of children is permitted provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of child restraints.

It is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle.

There is not a word about the sign, you can already calm down, There are no requirements for drivers to install a sign with dimensions of 40x40 cm. Naturally, the question remains, where and when to install it? We continue our search in the Traffic Rules. We can easily find the requirements for organized transportation of children in clause 22.6.

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, on a bus marked with identification marks “Transportation of Children”.

At this point we already see a link to another document and a direct mention of the “Transportation of Children” sign. The installation of this identification mark is directly related to the organized transportation of children, which is regulated by separate additional rules.

If the goal is to find a direct requirement for installing a sign, with your permission we will skip several links of connecting documents and turn directly to the requirements of “GOST R 51160-98 Buses for transporting children. Technical requirements”

4.5.19 In front and behind the bus, identification signs “Transportation of Children” must be installed in accordance with the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the “exit” to the sign “transportation of children” comes from GOST through the traffic rules and already into paragraph 8 of the main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation. When transporting children in private cars, taxis, or public transport, it is not necessary to install the “Transportation of Children” identification sign.

Information from the site

There are probably no drivers left now who carry their children in a car and do not know the basic rules for transporting them. The fact that the baby must be in a special device is known to everyone without exception. But is it necessary to attach a special sign that will tell everyone around you that there is a valuable passenger in your car?

Required signs?

Since the mandatory sign Ш, indicating the use of studded tires, was abolished, drivers are required to use the following stickers on their cars:

  • an exclamation mark, which indicates that the driver is a novice driver;
  • a sign indicating the transportation of large cargo or dangerous luggage;
  • a sign that indicates that the car is being driven by a motorist with a hearing impairment.

These are traffic rules requirements. We see that most drivers have no obligation to stick a special sign indicating that there are children in the car. True, there are a few exceptions.

Who should put up the “Transportation of Children” sign?

If you look at paragraph 7.15 of the List of faults under which the vehicle cannot be operated, the driver may be prohibited from driving a car or bus that does not have a special “Transportation of Children” sign. This is a rectangular sticker with a yellow background and a red border, on which the guys are depicted.

What cars does this ban apply to? The sticker is required if the driver transports more than 8 passengers under 18 years of age in an organized manner. And this is not a minibus or other public transport. In fact, this requirement applies if the bus is registered and takes children to a camp, theater, school, etc., that is, it is engaged in the organized transportation of children.

Obligated or not?

If an ordinary driver wants other road users to know that there is a child in his car, he can stick on an identification sign in the hope that surrounding drivers will be more careful towards him. But this, as you understand, is not a guarantee of safety.

At the end of last year, traffic police and legislators discussed the need to introduce a unified sign indicating that there are children in the car. The fact is that according to traffic police statistics, in 60% of road accidents with fatalities, the victims were minor passengers. And the accidents are terrible - with driving into oncoming traffic or speeding. The traffic police is in favor of introducing a unified sign for cars with children. But this is still under discussion. So there is no mandatory requirement yet, as well as a single, approved sign for all cars. Therefore, whoever wants, sticks it on.

Photos from Internet resources

Road safety is the basis of safe travel, so an increased level of attentiveness is simply necessary. This is especially true for those sections of the route where children may unexpectedly appear. Schools, kindergartens and pioneer camps are the most common such places, so on the adjacent road you can see the corresponding warning sign - “Caution, children.”

1. About the road sign “Caution, children”

The warning road sign “Children”, which is designated 1.23 in Russian traffic regulations, was approved at the Vienna Conference and noted in the 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals. This conference was held with the aim of unifying road signs for all countries. Of course, since 2006, many amendments have been made to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, as a result of which 18 signs have changed. Of course, the signs themselves and their placement must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents in force in a particular state. In particular, in Russia, according to GOST-R 52289-2004, the “Caution, Children” road sign must be placed along roads bordering kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums and recreation centers, as well as in other places where children often cross the road. In addition, this sign must be present even if there is a pedestrian crossing nearby.

Along with the sign “Caution, children”, in Russia a sign 8.2.1 is often installed, which determines the length of the safe area. In cases where an educational institution or a place where children cross the road is located outside a populated area, such a sign should be located another 50 m before this area.

Ukrainian legislation also has its own peculiarities of placing the “Children” sign (1.33). Thus, according to the Ukrainian traffic rules, this type of warning signs is installed 50-100 meters before the start of a dangerous section in populated areas and 150-300 meters outside populated areas. In addition, if necessary, this sign can be mounted at a different distance indicated on the additional plate below it. It must be said that in both cases (in populated areas and outside them) sign 1.33 is duplicated, and the next warning is placed at a distance of at least 50 meters before the start of the dangerous section of the route.

2. “Beware of children” sign for the bus

The traffic rules clearly indicate the requirements for a vehicle that transports children. It is worth noting that any car that can transport two or more children falls under this definition, and it does not matter whether it is a family trip or an organized school excursion. Also, paragraph 22.6 of the Russian Traffic Regulations states that the vehicle must have a “Transportation of Children” sign, and at least one adult must be present as an accompanying person. In addition, all small passengers are required to sit in their seats, that is, no standing places.

Of course, not all couples or other individuals use the “Transportation of Children” designation on their car, but for school buses it is simply an indispensable attribute. It is presented in the form of a yellow square with a red border, in the center of which there are figures of running children (such as on sign 1.23). There are also certain requirements for the size of this sign:for the front (windshield) – 250 mm, and for the rear – 400 mm.

3. Organizations of group transportation of children

In addition to the presence of a sign indicating “Transportation of children” on a bus (minibus), its driver must comply with some other traffic rules requirements regarding the transportation of children. In particular, boarding and disembarking of children must be carried out with the lights turned on, and for violation of this requirement, penalties will be imposed on the driver. Other road users who also travel by car are required to slow down and let passengers get off/on the bus (clause 14.7 of the Russian Traffic Regulations).

There are certain methodological recommendations that relate to the safe transportation of organized groups in road transport. All requirements for the transportation of people are collected here, and the document will be useful not only to legal entities, but to private entrepreneurs or individuals who are directly involved in the transportation of children's groups.

The driver of such a vehicle is prohibited from:

- move along the road at a speed of more than 60 km/h;

Spontaneously change the pre-agreed route;

Carry luggage or cargo in the cabin with minor passengers that does not belong to the category of personal belongings and hand luggage;

Leave the vehicle interior when there are children in it, as well as when getting them in and out;

Overtake passing vehicles when moving in a convoy;

Drive in reverse.

As in Russia, Ukraine has its own requirements for transporting groups of children, which are noted in the corresponding set of traffic rules. On February 11, 2013, some changes were made to this document, which also affected this issue. In particular, to improve the safety of groups of children, additional means of marking vehicles have been introduced.

So, now on a car with a sign indicating “Transportation of Children,” passengers must board and disembark with orange beacons and (or) hazard warning lights on. Other drivers moving in the adjacent lane and approaching this car, which has stopped with its lights on, should slow down and, if necessary, stop altogether to avoid a possible collision with children.

In addition, paragraph 21.3 of the Ukrainian Traffic Regulations states that transportation by bus (minibus) of a group of children can only be carried out subject to mandatory preliminary instruction with them and their accompanying persons. All passengers must know and follow the rules of behavior when driving the bus, as well as in the event of emergencies or road accidents. The driver who transports children must have at least 5 years of driving experience and a category “D” driver’s license.

Naturally, according to subclause “c” of clause 30.3 of the Ukrainian Traffic Regulations, “Children” identification signs must be placed both in front and behind the bus (minibus) (a yellow square with a red border and figures of running people, as on sign 1.33).

4. “Children” sign in other countries

We have already dealt a little with Russian and Ukrainian requirements regarding the transportation of organized groups of children, so let’s look at the features of placing and using the “Children” sign in other countries. For example, in the USA, this sign may be placed not near a school, but 150 meters from it, which encourages the driver to be at a high level of vigilance throughout this entire area. The driver is also obliged to slow down to 40 km/h and let children pass, regardless of where they are crossing. The crossings themselves near educational institutions are controlled by school patrols.

It must be said that despite the fact that the requirements of the adopted Vienna Convention must be strictly fulfilled by all countries that have signed it, in practice there are some peculiarities in relation to the “Children” sign. So, in Poland, instead of two primitive figures, the “Children” sign is decorated with the figures of a girl (there are even bows) and a boy, dressed, respectively, in a dress and trousers. At the same time, they do not run anywhere, but calmly walk. In comparison, the Israeli sign is completely different. It shows a girl running away and a woman trying to hold her back.

More similar to our version is the Greek sign, which has the same content, but instead of a white background it has an orange one, and the depicted figures resemble a girl and a boy following her.

In Germany, even before the fall of the Berlin Wall, a mother and son were depicted on the “Caution Children” sign. The boy was wearing trousers, and the mother (a taller figure) was distinguished by the presence of a dress. Nowadays, they have been replaced by the usual running figures.

In the UK, which is distinguished by its left-hand traffic, they also use a “Children” sign with the image of two running children, only they run from left to right. Burma also has its own specific designation, and in this case even the shape of the sign is different. It is presented in the form of an orange diamond, and instead of running or walking children, it depicts an elderly woman (noticeable from her hairstyle and clothing) who is pulling the hand of a struggling child. Perhaps the local children there are more capricious and intractable.

In the large Indian city of Bangalore, two types of signs are installed within educational institutions, more similar to railroad crossing signs (like Russian signs 1.4.1 and 1.4.6). In addition, the first option has nothing to do with children at all, since it depicts the figure of a fully grown man who for some reason is running away from the crowd. The second sign is more suitable for the role of a “Caution, Children” sign, since on it one figure (resembling a boy) is trying to take the hand of a second figure, slightly reminiscent of a girl.

Norway and Switzerland also have their own unique designations for the section of the route where children may appear on the road. In the first case, the figure of a girl clearly leads across the road a person with vision problems or an old man who has his hand on her shoulder, and in the second, the sign depicts a fast running woman who seems to be running away from a man catching up with her. Simply put, the sign is more suitable for marking a marathon race than for informing drivers that they are approaching a school or kindergarten.

In the Czech Republic, the “Children” sign is represented by an image of a girl who, apparently, is simply walking with her grandfather or another elderly person.

The “Children” sign is no less interesting in Bulgaria, and it is not clear why, but the boy depicted on it looks like a football player, and the girl standing behind him looks like a robot. There is also another similar sign in this country: children wearing caps run away from their parents. In Belgium, the above-mentioned sign depicts a man and a woman with bags, and the male figure seems to pull the female figure back from inattentively crossing the roadway, where she could get hit by the wheels of a passing car.

In all of these cases, human figures are depicted in full, but Denmark decided to distinguish itself with its sign. The designation “Children” here is more abstract, since the adults (or children) themselves are not fully represented, but only in parts. It is likely that this is a warning of what will happen in a possible accident.

The French government has approached the issue of marking areas near schools and other places with large concentrations of children even more creatively. Here you can find quite a lot of different variations of the “Beware of Children” sign, and some of them even resemble miniature paintings.